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Friday, August 14, 2009

hello. im blogging(: look. haiz. cts now. bah. i think i did real bad for math. i like minused 10 marks liao): sad. the rest were ok lah. i guess. how many words do we have to write for chinese compo? min? i wrote like 1700 (a bit less). heh. now i have to go study chem and life science (which i SUCK at) and chinese-.- blah. hate studying): now im talking to my cousin in aust on msn(: hahaha. ok, BYE.

1:30 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hihi. long time no blog. huh? yeah. anws, our teacher is CRAZY! make us write an essay BY TOMORROW! one day! how can? you tell me. crap lahh. bah. so many people are sick. hope you all get better soon(: hee. alicia's class is "quarentined". weird. cuz got like 3 swine people. she can't go for cca tomorrow. shucks. then I have no doubles partner): yknow, it's kinda weird cuz they still go school. just separate recess, assembly, yeah. yknow. sighs. unfair. BAH. ok. shows over. go away. oh but REMEMBER TO TAGGGG! :D

7:00 PM

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